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If you are not sure when you should sow your seeds our summary will help you.
Here you will find general information - for detailed sowing tips of the specific plants please go to our product description.
Garden Flowers and Groundcovers
Most of the garden flowers can be sown in Autumn or Spring.
Autumn sowing will result in the blooms early in the season the following year.
Autumn: Sow in pots or trays of moist seed compost and cover with a very fine sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Make sure that the seeds are kept in the light place which is necessary for them to germinate. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not wet because the seeds may rot. Temperature should be around 20 dec C.
Spring: The best time to start the seeds is March – June.
Sow outdoors where they are to flower. Cover the seeds with the thin layer of soil and keep the moist. You can also start the seeds inside and then transplant them outside when the seedlings are big enough
Winter : February is the month when you can start your flowers indoors to be able to transplant them in the garden after last frost.
Trees and shrubs from our climate zone

Tree Seeds can be sown all year round you only need to remember about cold stratification. When you receive the seeds, soak them in the hot water for 48 hours. Change the water few times. After this process seeds have to be dried that they don’t rot and put in the fridge for 3 months. You can mix them with moist, but not wet soil and check on them every week or so.
After cold stratification you can sow them inside in the pot, provide with lots of light and keep the soil moist at all times.
It is advised to keep the seedling indoors during first winter to protect them from the cold weather.
Exotic Trees and shrubs Can be sown all year round
Most of the exotic tree seeds don’t need to go through cold stratification process. You can sow them indoors, in the greenhouse or use propagator which increases humidity, keeps the temperature constant throughout the day and night. Light and humidity are the most important factors.
Carniovorous Plants Can be sown all year round
Seeds should be sown in transparent, closed and easily cleaned pots. You can also use other containers such as glasses (e.g. canning jars), saucers, or plastic boxes. All pots must be cleaned very carefully in order to obtain successful results. Seeds can also be sown in regular plastic pots if you can maintain high humidity, for example, in an aquarium covered with a lid.
Seeds should be sown on the surface of the moist planting medium and maintained in a humid environment (RH, relative humidity, from 60 to 100%). Seeds should be gently pressed into the growing medium, covered lightly with soil or left uncovered. Carnivorous plants germinate with bright light. The soil should be kept moist at all times (bottom watering is best), using only boiled or distilled water. After the seed starts germinating, slowly harden the young seedlings by successive increases in ventilation. Allow the humidity to decrease to approximately 60 - 80%.
Most CP germinate within a temperature range of 17 °C - 35 °C. Indirect or filtered sunlight is best. Temperatures over 40 °C are harmful to seeds and especially to young seedlings. Seeds of some species require special treatments such as stratification; a cold or heat treatment required before germination can occur. This procedure removes germination inhibitors, without which germination takes too long or does not occur at all.

Cacti Seeds Can be sown all year round
It is important not to bury the seeds too deep. The best is to sow the seeds on the surface and leave them as is. Use a fine mist spray bottle to water your seeds this as it does not disrupt the seeds and waters the surface evenly without puddles. Give the seeds a good soak so that most of the substrate is moist. At this point in a cactus' life they are actually not good with dry conditions. Most species benefit from very high humidity and do not like to dry out. After watering place the pots inside a zip lock bag or place a cut bottle or clear plastic cup over the pot to create a humid environment, while still allowing light in. Depending on species, keep the seedlings in the humid environment for 1-6 months