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Achillea Rubra 30 Seeds - Attracts Bees and Butterflies,Unusual Colour
Achillea White 200 Seeds, Yarrow -Good-looking, compact, bushy
Achillea Yellow 100 Seeds, Yarrow - Attracts Bees and Butterflies,Unusual Colour
Aconitum carmichaelii Monkshood, 15 Seeds,tall, indigo blue perennial
Aconitum napellus 'Newry Blue' 15 Seeds,tall, indigo blue perennial
Aeonium Mixed Varieties 20 Seeds
African Marigold Moon 100 Seeds - Majestic 4" Blooms, Bold Double Flow
Agastache aurantiaca 'Apricot Sprite' 20 Seeds
Agastache Pallida Rugosa 'Globetrotter' 50 Seeds - Red snake long flower!
Ageratum Blue Mink 200 Seeds - Long blooming,
Agrostemma ,Corncockle 100 Seeds - Wildflower, Native English Meadow
Ajuga reptans 40 Seeds, Bugleweed - Low Perennial, groundcover, Shade Plant
Alcea rosea Nigra - Black Hollyhock 20 Seeds -unique variety
Alchemilla mollis 'Lady's Mantle' 50 Seeds
Alpine catchfly, Silene alpestris 100 seeds- perennial,groundcover, rock garden
Alpine, Leontopodium alpinum - "Edelweiss"- 100 Seeds
Alpines & Rockeries Mixed 2000 Seeds, Rock Garden Seeds
Alpines & Rockeries Seeds, Seeds for Rock Garden 10 packets
Alyssum Indigo 200 Blue Seeds- Sweetly Scented, Great Cover
Alyssum Lavender 200 Seeds- Sweetly Scented, Great Cover
Alyssum Mountain Gold 100 Seeds- Sweetly Scented, Great Cover
Amaranthus Aurora Yellow, Summer Poinsettia 50 Seeds
Amaranthus Crimson 70 Seeds
Amaranthus Tricolor Illumination 50 Seeds
Androsace Carnea, Rock Jasmine Seeds - Hardy,Easy to grow, Rare
Anemone hupehensis 'Japanese Anemone' 15 Seeds, Japanese Windflower
Anemone Ranunculoides 30 Seeds- Woodland Plant, Shady Area in Your Garden
Angel's Trumpet Double Purple 5 Seeds -Huge Blooms,Scent
Angelica Gigas 5 Seeds, Giant Korean Angelica, Purple Parsnip
Anise Hyssop 100 seeds, Agastache -Scented,long blooming,upright perennial
Anise Hyssop 30 Seeds, agastache 'golden jubilee' variety
Anise Hyssop Tricolor 70 seeds, Agastache -Scented,long blooming,perennial
Anthemis carpatica Snow Carpet 50 Seeds, White Marguerite Daisy
Anthemis Tinctoria 50 Seeds, Golden Marguerite Daisy, Yellow Chamomile-Perennial
Aquilegia 'Barlow Black' 20 Seeds, Granny's Bonnet -Double,Almost Black Flowers
Aquilegia 'Bordeaux Barlow' columbine 10 Seeds- Rare variety, full blooms
Aquilegia 'Chocolate Soldier' 10 Seeds Fragrant, Unique colour combination
Aquilegia 'Ruby Port' 20 Seeds, Granny's Bonnet -Double, Burgundy red Flowers
Aquilegia atrata 15 Seeds,The Dark Columbine
Aquilegia Barlow Blue 10 Seeds (Columbine) Lovable classic in velvety blue viole
Aquilegia buergeriana ‘Calimero 20 Seeds,
Aquilegia Canadensis 'Little Lanterns' 15 Seeds - drooping, Bell-Like Flowers
Aquilegia Clematiflora Seeds - Mixed Colours, clematis-flowered type blooms
Aquilegia Cottage Garden Mix 100 Seeds- Gigantic Blooms
Aquilegia Dwarf Mix 50 Seeds, Columbine Seeds, Perennial, Vivid colours
Aquilegia Flabellata 'Cameo' 15 Seeds, Granny’s Bonnet
Aquilegia Maxi Yellow 20 Seeds flowers with long spurs&attractive perfume
Aquilegia Nora Barlow Seeds 10 Seeds - Beautiful Double Blooms
Aquilegia Red Star 30 Seeds - Charming White and Red Blooms
Aquilegia Rocky Mountain Blue 20 Seeds
Aquilegia Star Koralle 20 Seeds- long-spurred flowers in brilliant coral&yellow
Aquilegia Yabeana 50 Seeds -Deepest Inky Blue
Arabis Alpina Snowcap, White Rockcress- 75 Seeds
Arabis Compinkie 20 Seeds - Pink Wall Cress ,Perennial
Arabis Rosea 100 Seeds, Arabis Wall Rock Cress Pink Seeds
Armeria Joystick Red 20 Seeds- Intensive Colour,Evergreen,Butterflies,Compact
Armeria Joystick White 20 Seeds- Evergreen,Butterflies,Compact
Asarina 'Victoria Falls' 10 Seeds, Climbing Snapdragon -exquisite,heavy blooming
Aster Alpine Blue 70 Seeds, perennial
Aster Alpinus 'Goliath Blue' 50 Seeds Large Flowered Strain
Aster Powder Puff 100 Seeds, Mixed Colours
Aster Single Rainbow Mix 70 Seeds, perennial
Aster Tall Needle 100 Seeds, Mixed Colours, Huge, spiky blooms
Aster Tall Peony 100 Seeds, Mixed Colours, Huge blooms
Astrantia Major Rose Symphony 10 Seeds - Splendid Strain
Aubrieta deltoidea Aubretia 'Spring Charm"- 120 Seeds
Aubrieta Deltoidea Royal Blue, Aubreitia Seeds
Aubrieta Deltoidea Royal Red, Aubreitia 120 Seeds
Aubrieta Deltoidea Royal Violet, Aubreitia 120 Seeds
Baby's Breath 100 Seeds , Gypsophila Seeds
Balloon Flower Blue 30 Seeds, Chinese Bellflower -Most reliable blue bloomers!
Balloon Flower Pink 30 Seeds, Chinese Bellflower -Most reliable white bloomers!
Bambusa Arundinacea, Giant thorny bamboo 10 Seeds
Barbarea vulgaris variegated 'Winter Cream' 20 Seeds, Landcress
Beatrice Watsonia, Bugle Lily 10 Seeds - rewarding perennial, bright colour
Bedding Lobelia 3000 Seeds,Mixed Colours, best for front bed,4 months of bloom
Bees and Butterflies Flower Seeds - 10 Packet, 'BEE CRAZY' Collection.
BERGENIA cordifolia 50 Seeds, Elephant Ears
Bidens Golden Eye 20 Seeds - Blooms for 5 months!
Black Eyed Susan Vine Mix Colours 10 Seeds
Black-Eyed Susan Vine Seeds Bright Eyes10 Seeds-Long Blooming
Blackberry Lily, Leopard Lily 10 Seeds - Bright Accent in your Garden
Blue Butterfly Pea Vine 5 Seeds - Double Blue Blloms,Fast Growing, Impressive
Blue Pimpernel- 50 Fresh Seeds, Brightest Blue
Bluebell Creeper Sollya 10 Seeds-Frost Hardy,Charming
Brachycome 300 Seeds, Swan River Daisy Mixed Colours
Brachycome Brachy Blue 50 Seeds- richly coloured,award-winning variety
Brachyscome White 50 Seeds- Perennial,compact habit, long flowering season
Brugmansia 'Ecuador Pink' 5 Seeds Angel's Trumpet
Brugmansia Orange Glory 5 Seeds , Angel's Trumpet
Bulbine frutescens 'Orange' 30 Seeds, Tall Perennial, Bees, Nectar, Orange
Butterfly Flower, Poor's Man Orchid 20 Seeds- Unusual Flowers
Butterfly Milkweed 20 Seeds - Bright colour attracts bees and butterflies
California Bluebells, Desert Bluebells Phacelia campanularia 500 Seeds
California poppy 300 Seeds (Eschscholzia californica)
Calla Palustris, Water Arum 10 Seeds, Wild Calla - Charming Water Plant, Hardy,
Camassia blue 15 seeds - perennial
Campanula Carpatica Blue Seeds- Blooms allsummer long,perennial,
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