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'Bauhinia Variegata'Fragrant Orchid Tree- 5 Fresh Seeds
Angel's Trumpet Double Purple 5 Seeds -Huge Blooms,Scent
Arabic Coffee 5Seeds (Coffea Arabica) Fragrant Flowers,Your Own Coffee,Easy2Grow
Bambusa Arundinacea, Giant thorny bamboo 10 Seeds
Beatrice Watsonia, Bugle Lily 10 Seeds - rewarding perennial, bright colour
Blue Butterfly Pea Vine 5 Seeds - Double Blue Blloms,Fast Growing, Impressive
Bluebell Creeper Sollya 10 Seeds-Frost Hardy,Charming
Bolivian Fuchsia (Fuchsia boliviana) 5 Seeds
Bomarea caldasii 5 Seeds, Climbing alstroemeria
Bromeliad 5 Seeds, Shy Plant Seeds (Tillandsia)
Brugmansia 'Ecuador Pink' 5 Seeds Angel's Trumpet
Brugmansia Orange Glory 5 Seeds , Angel's Trumpet
Brugmansia Sanguinea 5 Seeds Angel's Trumpet
Cape Jasmine 10 Seeds -Fragrant,Evergreen,Compact Habit
Chinese Pipe Tree 10 Seeds, Aristolochia Debilis - Unusual
Cobaea Scandens Purple 5 seeds, Cup and Saucer Vine, exotic looking plant
Common Caper 10 Seeds - Shrub/Profusion of Flowers/Scented
Cordyline australis, Cornish Palm 10 Fresh Seeds
Cordyline Fruticosa, Palm Lily 5 Seeds - Eye Catching
Crocosmia 'Lucifer' 10 Seeds- Brilliant Red flowers
Datura Angel's Trumpet 5 Seeds-Sweet Scent, Heavy Blooms
Datura, Angel's Trumpet Double Yellow 5 Seeds - Fragrant with Huge Blooms
Dwarf Palmetto 5 Seeds (Sabal Minor) Small and very cold hardy palm
Dwarf Pink Banana 5 Seeds, Musa Velutina
Dwarf Pomegranate 10 Seeds (Punica Granatum) - Ornamental,Hardy,Flowers,Fruits
Eucalyptus ficifolia 5 Seeds- Red Flowering Gum - One of the best flowering euca
Firewheel Tree 5 Seeds- Adaptable to a range of climates
Fragrant Granadilla - Passiflora alata 5 Seeds -Beautiful,fragrant flowers
Fringed Lily 5 Seeds (THYSANOTUS multiflorus)- Rare
Fuchsia Excorticata 10 Seeds,Tree fuchsia. Fast growing,
Giant Granadilla 5 Seeds Passiflora quadrangularis - Huge, fragrant flowers
Guava 10 Seeds - Sweet, Yellow Fruits
Gymea / Giant Lily 5 Seeds - Touch of Exotic/Huge flowers
Hardy Kiwi Fruit 10 Seeds (Actinida Arguta) Miniature,Sweet Kiwi Fruits!Hardy
Hardy Phoenix Palm 5 Seeds, Pygmy Date Palm - House Plant or Garden
Hardy Yucca, Adams Needle Seeds- Yucca&Lily in one
Hardy,Fragrant Passion Flower Blue- 10 seeds
Hippeastrum 5 Seeds, Amaryllis, - House plant, mixed colours
Joy Perfume Tree'Michelia Champaca'- 5 Viable Seeds
Lipstick Palm, Red Steal Wax Palm 5 Seeds (Cyrtostachys renda)
Night Jasmine (Nyctanthes) 5 Seeds- Sweet Fragrance
Olive Tree 5 Seeds - Great for Bonsai, Patio or full size tree. Grow your olives
Opuntia Violacea Santa Rita Cactus 5 Seeds - Unusual Cactus
Orange Jasmine Fragrant Bonsai or Houseplant- 5 Seeds
Orchid Vine 5 Seeds , Bauhinia Corymbosa! Hardy
Passiflora aurantia 5 Seeds, Passion flower, -Amazing changing colour
Passiflora Coccinea Seeds, Red Passion Flower - Scarlet Red, Impressive Flowers
Passiflora Edulis Golden Giant 5 Seeds - Amazing Climber
Passiflora Panama Red 5 Seeds - Unusual Passion Flower
Passion Flower 5 seeds (Passiflora Actinia) - Huge Blooms,Unusual
Passion flower, Passionfruit Love-in-a-Mist 5 Seeds (Passiflora foetida)
Pepino 5 Seeds, Melon Pear Seeds- Solanum muricatum
Pink Torch Ginger 5 Seeds - most splendid flowers, 25 cm across & easy2grow,
Pink Trumpet Tree 10 Seeds (Tabebuia rosea)Beautiful blooming tree
Pom Pom Honey Myrtle 30 Seeds (Melaleuca) Heavy Bloomer,great pot plant, bonsai
Poncirus Trifoliata 5 Seeds - Hardy Orange Tree, Citrus
Purple Orchid Tree,Butterfly Tree- 5 Viable Seeds
Puya Alpestris, Sapphire Tower Seeds!Intensive Blue 10 Seeds
Queen Victoria Agave 5 Seeds- Beautiful Rosette, Petite
Red African Tulip Tree 5 Seeds- Showy Flowers
Red Kangaroo Paw 30 Seeds- Vivid Colour
Red Trumpet Vine 10 Seeds, Campsis Radicans,Tropic-Looking
Rhodochiton Vine 5 Seeds - Showy Vine, Blooming Heavily,Flowers First Year
Royal Poinciana 5 Samen, Flamboyant Tree, Flame Tree, Peacock Flower
Sugar Apple Tree, Annona Squamosa 5 seeds- Small/Unique
Swainsona formosa, Sturt's desert pea 5 Seeds, Glory Pea
Tamarillo Tree Tomato Seeds -Unique/Fast Growth/FrostOK
Tangerine Mandarin Citrus Fruit Tree 5 Seeds
Texas Red Yucca 5 Seeds-Hardy,Red Flowers, Specimen Plant
Texas Star Hibiscus 5 Seeds - Stunning Crimson Blossoms
The Glory Lily, Climbing Lily (Gloriosa superba) 5 Seeds. Amazing Vine, Beautifu
Tiger Snake Vine 5 Seeds -Unusual, Fast Growing Climber
Tricyrtis Hirta, Toad Lily 5 Seeds -Exotic Look,Easy2Grow
Tzimbalo 5 Seeds Melon Pear (Solanum Caripense)
Waratah Fresh 5 Seeds- Frost Hardy, Big Blooms, Original
Windmill Palm 5 Seeds (Trachycarpus Fortunei) - Frost Hardy Palm!
Yucca Rostrata 5 Seeds- Rare, Dense, Evergreen, Hardy