We are proud to welcome you to GrowYourSecretGarden.com
Whether you have small garden or big one you will find here everything you are looking for.
We provide hundreds of quality seeds, starting from easy to grow perennials, vines, shrubs and trees and finishing on rare exotics for the gardeners who want to be challenged. We carry an assortment of unique and hard to find varieties
We also stock wide selection of trees suitable for bonsai and we sell ready bonsai kits to help you start your new passion.
A fast, easy, and secure checkout conveniently processes all orders. Simply browse the categories shown on our homepage or search for an item and click the 'add to cart' button to put items in your shopping cart.
We ship worldwide and give you 10% OFF every time you shop with us again. We appreciate our loyal customers.
For a limited time only we are providing gift seed packs per every 10 pounds spent with us.